Buying the newest and greatest is not always the case for everyone and at the same time does it need to be? Picking an older phone to last you through the next few years is always a good play. In this video we review the Oneplus8 vs the OnePlus 8t and is it still good for 2021 going into 2022.
I have made separate videos which I will list below. Please take the time to watch both. The idea was to look at budget while deciding on the best aspects of the phone when it comes to look, feel, screen, camera, battery, etc.
0:00 Intro
0:16 Pricing and and initial thoughts
1:04 OnePlus 8t and recommendation
2:20 Screen comparison of OnePlus 8t vs OnePlus 8
3:10 OnePlus 8t Warp speed vs OnePlus 8 battery
4:05 OnePlus 8t vs OnePlus 8 camera thoughts
4:41 Comfort and feeling
5:01 Thoughts on 5G between the OnePlus 8t and the OnePlus 8
5:20 Purchase recommendation and thought process
Check out the OnePlus 8 Review –
Check out the OnePlus 8t Review –
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